Sunday, January 24, 2016


It moves like the small jolt
of a stall—a too-quick-clutch-and-not-enough-gas-why-can’t-I-do-this
The final lurch puffs a tease
of what the heater had to offer;
the fan’s laugh dies while
the engine halts—grumpy, haughty, finicky clunk.
Release the necessary
(Turn the key.)


A trick of the light—
sunlight pierces windowpane to ask
who's that, who’s there?

A trick of the light—
infinitely varied:
conceived, conceiving, receding;
stepping, stopped,
bounding, crashing, falling,
bloated, flat, skinned, skinless, bone, ash.

A trick of the light—
moments from darkness and silence,
decisions and truths hashed and rehashed
declare themselves unknowable.

A trick of the light—
composition: elusive, location: nonexistent/miscellaneous, center: uncentered;
written in stone is only their reality, their relation:
mother, daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, friend.

A trick of the light—
sunlight pierces windowpane to ask
who's that, who’s there?

A trick of the light—
In the fading sun, declare me
unknown, unknowable, unseeable, intangible, invisible:



Strange Gospels by Cynthia Cruz from The Glimmering Room

Woke in a drool of ribbons and spit.
Lace lost someplace on the body.

Call Billy collect
Off the side of the highway.

And I will
Wait in girlhood

Panties and Billy's black
Leather lace ups

In this glass phone booth

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